Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shun the Sun

This Saturday we got to have a super fun experience!  Samantha and I ran a 10K called Shun the Sun.  We set a goal that was faster than any time we had ever reached, and we nailed it!!  All three nights before the race, poor Samantha got real sick and did not sleep a wink.  That morning she woke up and was congested barely able to move (not to mention she was taking antihistamines).  Even with all of these things bringing her down, our first mile was only 8 minutes!!  We had so much fun running together, and I am happy to be alive because I know Samantha wanted to kill me half the time.  She even threatened to throw me in the canal haha!! Even though the race was so hard, we both loved it and cannot wait for our December run, a 12K!!!