Monday, June 6, 2011

The 5-Day Inferno

Anyone who knows me knows that I love working out. My all time favorite workout in the world is Turbo. I am a certified TurboKick Instructor and I love it! Last summer I purchased Chalene Johnson's newest workout program, Turbo Fire. It is a 90 day workout program and it is killer!  I starting the program as soon as I got it, but of course things came up all of the time and I never got to finish it all the way through. 

Last week, Colton and I were talking about how we wanted to get serious about working out again. I turned back to my Turbo Fire kit and decided it was time to get serious! Today we are starting The 5-Day Inferno Plan. It's like a kick off to the 90 days, but way way way intense!  I did the inferno last summer with my brother, Jeremiah, and after those 5 days were over we.felt.good

Oh, but the plot thickens. Today Colton and I started training for our Half Marathon coming up in September. Colton is especially excited for this one. He breaths running. I am excited too. My goal is to run a full marathon some day. Hopefully soon :) 

So there you have it, Turbo Fire and a Half Marathon, the perfect hybrid :) 
We'll keep you posted on our success!! 

Day One: Complete.


  1. Oh my gosh you are a workout freak (in a good way) :) I LOOOOOVE TURBOKICK! I was going to buy the weights for the hands but didn't and now I don't have a gym membership :( But good luck training and all that!

  2. I don't know where I have been but just figured out that you have a blog! The inferno Plan sounds awesome! I am going to deftly have to try that one out! So excited for you to do your first half. You will totally fall in love with running :)
